This is the first genuine post for the blogsite after the previous "intro" one. This blogsite is for me to post writings and signings on the topic of deaf education. The key word here is holistically, meaning looking at everything to encourage the optimal development of deaf children and the optimal "design" of the environmentS in where they can be raised/taught to become well-rounded well-adjusted bilingual deaf citizens on earth.
I have an Ed.D in deaf studies/deaf education from Lamar University. In my 24 years long deaf education career, I have taught full time in every level: preschool (Tripod), elementary (GW in Burbank), middle (Simi Valley), high schools (CSDF/R), university (CSUN), and adult education (NYSD in NYC). I have taught in both public and residential schools. I even subbed in an oral first grade classroom in New York City, but I use ASL primarily in my teaching. I have published a couple papers on deaf education and presented workshops and lectures on deaf education/studies.
Why did I type all that above about me? I did the above to spotlight the lack of high-quality blogs out there in the Deaf World. No offense, there are many good ones in DeafRead and elsewhere. I want to see the deaf blogsphere EXPAND! I did the above also because many deaf and hearing academic, professional, administration people in the field of deaf"ness" have not yet begun blogging. They could enjoy blogging and have their posts appear at any aggregation engines like DeafRead. I could easily name them but you get my drift?
Being busy or other reasons, these "future bloggers"people do not have to post frequently or too long, few paragraphs in signs or in text will do. A good number of them DO have something to say and could contribute critically in this new discourse medium - the blogsphere. A good number of superintendents, deaf education educators and scholars, deaf studies researchers, and others could enjoy their NEW megaphones called blogging. Why they don't or not yet blog mystifies me a bit but I guess it is too new and some of them feel precarious about their positions, their reputations, and/or their standings. I don't know but I hope by stepping forward by stating my deaf education credentials can encourage many excellent people out there to start blogging. Believe me, the deaf children in the future need your "voice".
Over the years, I felt that I have something to say about deaf education, having been in the field for a quite number of years. Often, my mind will sprout excellent thoughts that should be written down in academic or mainstream articles but it was never that simple. Don't start me on this why not simple and I ll leave it as it is for now. With the advent of blogging, it just fit me like a glove. Ideas, thoughts, plans of literature, etc poured out easily from me. Blogging is an ideal medium because I can edit save edit then publish in signs or in words and eventually with my improved video editing skills mix them both creatively. About 500 years ago, Gutenberg made his first movable type printing press, and now I can publish whatever I want at home, bypassing the "nefarious" commercial publishers.
To close, I would like to discuss this blog. Teaching the Deaf Child is somehow like a sister blog to my Deaf Child: A Mythology blogsite. As mentioned in the previous post, Moores' who, what, where, and how to teach deaf children will be kept in consideration while musing about how to raise and teach deaf children holistically. I will sign/write about anything related to education of both deaf and hearing children. It directs everyone involved, including parents. A list below of tentatively titled posts will give an idea of where this blog will go. I ll go with the wind blowing us all.
Raising Deaf Children Holistically
Analysis of the Current AGBADHH's Voice Magazine
The Ideal Model of Public Mainstreamed Classroom
The Ideal Model of Public Mainstreamed Classroom
The Impact of Cochlear Implants on Deaf Education
Osmosis of Sign Language by Hearing Students in Reverse Mainstreamed Classroom
Osmosis of Sign Language by Hearing Students in Reverse Mainstreamed Classroom
Sign Language as the Deaf Child's Biological Right
Why "They" Think That Without Signs Is the Way?
Every Child Learn Spoken, Written, and Signed Languages - Should!
Written ASL in the ASL-English Classroom
(and more)
Every Child Learn Spoken, Written, and Signed Languages - Should!
Written ASL in the ASL-English Classroom
(and more)
and an surprise series of blogging at a special event deep inside Castle Volt.
Til the next post -
Til the next post -
Teaching deaf child may pay more attention
I look foward to your scholarly writing about the topic. The field of deaf education is changing and I will be curious to see how you plan to present that.
I have two deaf children who are in two different academic settings... one in mainstream (he is an auditory learner) and another at ISD (she is a visual learner.) And both are doing very well. I realize that deaf children have different needs and different learning styles... so I am looking forward to reading more from you :o)
Welcome fellow teacher. I teach special education 5th grade. The differences is I am deaf with bilateral CIs. I can't wait to read more about education from you. I want to add to my endorsement or Ed.S. for Deaf Education.
This is really something. Pretty hard I guess. Is there any improvement?
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